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Compliance under SEBI & Stock Exchange

Vijeta Sharma & Associates (VSA) provides advisory and assistance to companies incorporated in India or doing business in India to comply with guidelines under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the respective stock exchanges.

  • Advising and coordinate Initial Public Offering (IPO).
  • Support listing of securities, both equity as well as debt instruments.
  • Ensuring compliance with all clauses of listing regulations for a listed company.
  • Coordinating with SEBI and stock exchanges, RBI, ROC, NSDL/CDSL, other regulatory authorities to sort out legal issues on behalf of the company.
  • Ensuring compliance with Investor Protection Rules, Insider Trading & SEBI Takeover Regulations, the Depositories Act, 1996, and the other SEBI regulations for a listed company.
  • Addressing matters of voluntary and compulsory delisting of securities from the Indian stock exchanges.
  • Issuing certificates as  independent practicing company secretaries.
  • Preparing documents for seeking the lifting of suspension on listing and undertaking re-listing of securities on the stock exchange.
  • Issuing the quarterly secretarial audit certificate for reconciliation required under the notification issued by SEBI.
  • Issue certificate for the transfer and dematerialisation of shares under the NSDL or CDSL bye-laws.
  • Prepare and assist the company in preparing the quarterly shareholding pattern to submit to the stock exchanges.
  • Advising the company on all the securities laws including the Securities Contract Regulation Act, the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, Take Over Regulations, Insider Regulations, and so on.
  • Coordinating with the Registrar and share transfer agents, stock exchange, depositories, and SEBI.

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