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Business Plan is a blue print of long term vision and goal(Usually for next Five year), which is to be achieve over the period of time by optimum utilization of resource and in focused manner. Business Plan will clearly layout the road map to achieve the set goal, and clearly define the roles and responsibility of each stakeholder to work in sync with management vision to achieve the specific target. While preparing Business Plan one should also consider Market Risk (Country Specific), Industry Risk (Specific to Industry – Global to Local level) and overall Economic Scenario.

Objective of Business Plan Activity

  • Forecast Business and Financial Scenario
  • Optimum Capital Structuring – Equity: Debt
  • Strategic Business Decision
  • Business Risk Management
  • Business Valuation


Vijeta Sharma & Associates (VSA) takes end to end responsibility to prepare Business Plan based on Management inputs and Industry scenario. Scope of work includes –

  • Economic and Industry Outlook
  • Business – Revenue and Cost
  • Overall Business Profitability
  • Income Statement and Balance Sheet
  • Risk and Opportunities

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