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Update Google ChromeIn an increasingly global-scale business environment, the valuation issues surrounding mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, restructuring, tax planning, and disputes have become more complex than ever. Moreover, with India accepting the convergence with globally accepted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), accounting challenges that may have to be tackled during implementation cannot be ignored.
Vijeta Sharma & Associates (VSA) provides a wide range of valuation services -
Tangible Asset Valuations VSA assists our clients in evaluating, identifying, and valuing tangibles and intangibles for the purpose of purchase price allocation (PPA) and also advises clients on accounting impacts before deal execution by carrying out pre-deal PPAs.
Intangible asset valuations: VSA values and apprize intellectual property assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade names or brands, research and development assets, products in R&D stages, etc. VSA reviews license and franchise agreements from a valuation perspective. We also value and evaluate intangible assets like contractual and non-contractual customer relationships, core deposit intangibles, customer lists, and non-compete agreements.
Share valuation VSA offers independent advice to boards of directors to help them determine the right price to pay or accept for a business. We help evaluate shareholder value for stakeholders.
Business valuation Business Valuation for a broad range of industries including financial and professional services, technology, manufacturing, hospitality, etc.
Valuation issues The use of valuation of an asset/share/business in a specific transaction shall have a multi-fold effect impacting various stakeholders at various levels. For example: parties to the transaction, income tax department, RBI & many other minor stakeholders.
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